Thursday, February 26, 2009

Daycare Centers and Preschools in Koramangala, Bangalore

So I have now officially joined the bandwagon of "paranoid moms" - not just being paranoid about daycares and preschools myself but spreading this fever to all the friends around me who are moms to kids in a similar age group as mine! Ain't I so evil ;) heeheehee

Nyways, it all started with a job interview I was actively pursuing. And the decision of whether I should take up the job if offered weighed largely on whether I would be able to find a very good home away from home for little N. In the US, I was able to work without much guilt coz I had a wonderful nanny who loved N just like she was her own child. But here, I am yet to find either a nanny or a daycare who will give her the love, warmth, intellectual stimulation and hygeine all at the same time. So over the past few weeks, I have been spending a lot of time each day researching and visiting daycare centers and preschools around our neighborhood in Bangalore. Hauling a toddler around to each facility is in itself a huge pain - forget coming home, thinking, comparing and racking my brain to figure out what is good or bad about each place and what are the options my kiddo has. So I thought I'd do this in written so that it gives me some clarity and also help out some of you who might be looking for this information out there.

This analysis is purely my opinion based on my personal research and talking to a lot of folks whose kids go to many of these places listed here.

I have finally begun to understand a little bit about the early years educational system here. Figured out that Daycare is a term given to something like babysitting where your kid is basically in their care, being fed and kind of hangs out in the premises but not necessarily with a structured routine. Pre-School is more of a structured program where they have an hour of two of instructor led activities. Pre-school (also called Playschool) starts at age 1 year 10 months at most places. When the kid turns 2.5 years old, you have more options for him/her. You can continue to keep them in the pre-school or opt for a Montessori. Montessoris generally accept kids at the age of 2.5 and continue their education upto 6 years of age. So your kid can either be in a pre-school (which is the traditional Playgroup, Nursery, LKG, UKG) or a Montessori upto the age of 6. Or you can pull him out of either and admit him to a high school (which offers education upto grade 10 or 12) for LKG at around 4.5 years of age. You can pretty much do this from a Pre-school to a regular school whenever you prefer (LKG or UKG or 1st standard) but Montessoris generally recommend children to stay on for atleast 3 years to obtain the full benefits of the Montessori method. And some believe that research has proven that kids who went through the Montessori program in their early years have grown up to be smarter.

Anyways, so here is a listing of all the daycares, pre-schools and montessoris I have visited, heard of or done some research on in Koramangala, Bangalore. Hope this helps atleast some of you who are looking for such consolidated information online.

1. Little Elly - This was the first ever place I visited so was not quite sure what questions to ask and what to look for etc. But after talking to the management there, I was pretty satisfied with the way they did things around there. The only thing that bothered me was that their toddler program (which is what my N would have gone to then) was only for 2 hours each day. I was really looking for a place that would keep them for 3-4 hours so that they can bond, socialize and get a feel of spending a good amount of time away from mommy. That way I could ease her into a full time program if I wanted to start working soon. Other than that, I liked their facilities, teachers and the overall hygiene.
  • Pros: They do have daycare facilities after the child's school is done. So after 9-11am, the child can still stay there upto 6:30pm (daycare charges extra). Huge plus for working parents.
  • Cons: If all you want is a playschool, they only run it for 2 hours per day. Paying around 30K for 2 hours per day seems a bit too much.
2. Child-Care Montessori - This place has been running its Montessori Pre School in 5th Block Koramangala for over a year and had recently opened up their Day Care center in 3rd block, Koramangala which is much closer to our place. So it sounded great since it is a Montessori cum Daycare center which means they accept children as young as 3 months of age. Obviously at that age, they would be treated as daycare children but if they continue there for a while, they will automatically be registered for the Montessori education program at 2.5 years of age.
  • Pros: I visited only their Day Care center which I really liked. They have very clean premises (great hygeine ranks very high in my list) and have good equipment overall for infants - such as good quality cribs, toddler beds, toys (indoor and outdoor). I also loved the folks running this place, their thoughts and philosophy.
  • Cons: I did not really like that my child at 1.8 years of age will be hanging out at the daycare center which was still so new that it did not really have a lot of other kids her age to socialize with. It also did not have a structured routine as such for this age group so was more like a daycare where they would pretty much do what they feel like and hang out with a maid most of the time. If I was working fulltime though, this might be a decent place to leave my kid for the time being.
3. KinderKare - This is primarily a home based day care which accepts kids around 2 years of age. They have a 3 hour program for these toddlers and they heavily encourage free play.
  • Pros: I liked the fact that they have a total of around 30 kids total in the age group from 2 to 4.5 years of age. All of these kids spend most of their time together so it is more like a montessori environment with some structure. I loved the 2 ladies who run this place and their overall attitude of doing it more for a passion than making money in the business. They seemed very understanding and flexible to accomodate these little ones totally understanding that they are not used to a routine of any kind yet since this is their first school ever. I think they will be ideal for my little N's first school and ideal for me as well since this is a stone's throw away from my place. So no putting her in a car seat and driving her to school every morning. All I have to do is enjoy a nice 5 minute walk.
  • Cons: They only offer a 3 hour program and do not have a full day daycare offering. So not an ideal place for working parents.
4. Vilma's Daycare - This is small cozy little daycare run by a nice lady who runs it in a home (does not necessarily live there though). They accept infants as young as 3 months as well and have a few teachers for the toddlers. I was not too keen on this place as it did not seem big enough for me (all the kids hung out in one living room for play time, meal time, reading time etc.) They said they spend an hour outdoors each day in a nearby park. But as I mentioned earlier, I have a high hygeine standard and this place did not fare too well for me in that department.

5. Planet Kids - Great huge premises. I should say by far the best I have seen in Koramangala. They have a huge place with all sorts of outdoor activities including things such as a splash pool. Indoors, they have a huge ball pit, a media room (with a huge flat screen TV) and a computer lab as well! So facilities wise the place ranked # 1 in my rating but I was not too impressed by their management and their overall attitude.
  • Pros: Great campus. Have various locations in Bangalore so you can transfer your child to a nearby location if you move. Also have full time daycare facilities for working parents.
  • Cons: Management did not show too much understanding and flexibility for kids who are going to a school for the first time ever. I am also not a huge fan of putting kids in front of a TV or computer as at this young an age.
6. Little Paradise - Is a preschool as well as daycare center.
  • Pros: Offers day care facilities so is a plus for working parents.
  • Cons: Heavily overcrowded. The daycare area is not seperate so infants sleeping are surrounded by playing toddlers all around.
7. Little Feat Montessori House of Children - I have personally not visited this facility since they do not accept kids younger than 2.5 years of age. But from all that I have heard and researched, this Montessori has nothing but good reviews all around. I have a lot of friends whose kids go there and have only heard good things about the people who run this place and the overall reputation, their attitude towards kids, etc. The only con I have heard is that they have 10 classes running but their facilities are not very huge both for indoor and outdoor play.

8. Head Start Montessori House of Children - I have not visited this facility either since they too do not accept kids younger than 2.5 years of age. But again, this place has great reviews from all that I have read about it. The only thing is that getting an admission here is next to impossible - they fill up with siblings of existing kids one or more years in advance!

9. Eurokids - Not visited this school either but have friends whose kids go here and are extremely happy about the place, teachers and curriculum. The big pro is that they have presence all over India so if you move around a lot, this is certainly beneficial for you.

10. Vivaa International - Not visited this place myself but have a few friends whose kids go there. Have heard mixed reviews about this place about their management of kids. The pro is that they are a Montessori which offers day care facilities as well so your kid can either spend the day here if you are working or go here after school for the remainder of the day.

11. Roots to Wings -This is a new chain of pre-schools owned and run by the Singapore based company Educomp. I was very interested in this since they claim to be very different from the rest in their philosophy and curriculum so thought why not check it out.

  • Pros: The pro I liked was that they do accept kids at a very young age (around 1.5 years). And since they are so new, they do offer trial weeks where you can send the kids for 2 weeks free of charge to see if they really like it.
  • Cons: The biggest con for me was that they were too new (no kids enrolled in the center that just opened up in Koramangala). So although they seemed to have all the knowledge in theory, I would feel more comfortable if I had seen them actually working with kids in real life. They were great at showing their powerpoint presentations about their well researched curriculum and the "seven petal approach" but when it came to practical questions from a mom such as how will you potty train my kid...they were not able to put me at ease (obviously coz they had never done it before!)
12. Planet Bloomingdale - Not visited this place myself since I had not heard any good reviews about it but I do know that they have a full time daycare for infants.


Anonymous said...

Thats a very comphrensive review of daycare facilities around your area in Bangalore. I live in Delhi and can't use it, but for someone who is exploring these options, its a great help. I struggled with daycare options too. And finally settled for a place which is run by an old couple(in their 50s) and they keep max 3 kids in their own house and the kids bring along their maids too. All in all, its a very homely environment and the lady takes good care. For my baby's age, im serched for a place that offered care and love vs too much of intellectual stimulation.

vidu rame said...

Thanks so much for the useful information.Really appreciate it. It's absolutely helpful for us as we are looking for some good play home for our twin angels.

Vidya Ramesh

Unknown said...
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Divs said...

Preetischronicle - How old are your kids? And do they go to the home run place for full day or half? I am still not sure what place I would choose if I had to start working and send her for the whole day. But I am happy with my choice for the half day place I found for her.

Vidya - I am glad you found my info useful. Do you live in or around Koramangala? How old are your twins?

Anonymous said...

Divs, as you might have seen on my blog my baby is 9 months old. He goes full day to the home run place. and you know what..i think your daughter is really those fountains on her head!

anshul said...

thanks so much for such a comprehensive information. can u tell me which one u choose for ur baby?

Divs said...

Preeti - yes I did check out your blog and enjoyed reading it. Nice to have you visit my space now and then. So cool that you could find a place to send your son for the full day. And thanks for the compliments on my daughter. She does not have those fountains on her head anymore though....coz we just got her mundan done :-)

Anshul - I finally chose Kindercare for my child. The warmth of the two women running the place won my confidence to trust my child with them. Also the proximity to my home was a huge plus. Hope this helps in your search. Are you looking in Koramangala too?

anshul said...

yes m lookin in koramangala.... but u said tht "kindercare accepts kids around 2 years of age. They have a 3 hour program for these toddlers" so if its jus a 3 hr pgm how u manage for rest of the day.... n d pic say ur baby is 10.5 months nt 2 yrs.. i worried as my baby is jus 14 months old...

Divs said...

Anshul - the pic on my blog is not the latest. I posted it when I started my blog. Now my baby is 1 yr 7 months. And Kindercare works for me for now coz I am working from home so I can be with her after she comes back. Are you looking for a full day place? I'd suggest Little Elly or Planet Kids to start with...

Lavanya said...

Hey Divs,

We are a month old in Koramangala n have been on the lookout for a playschool/ creche for our 2yr old; our only issue being tht since she's way taller than kids her age, ppl treat her as they wud a 4 yr old....

We LOVED ur post, in fact we're on our way to KinderKare this very afternoon. Cant thank u enough.

I'm starting work in a day's time, n she n i have never been apart even for a sec...methinks i am much more anxious abt the separation thn she will be! For now my ma is here, but the day of the creche is looing large...til then a few weeks of peace!

Divs said...

Lavanya - Glad I could help. Do let me know if your kid gets into KinderKare coz then our kids will be friends and can have playdates :-) BTW KinderKare is only part-time though and it seems you are starting work. So who'll take care of her after?

Anonymous said...

Divs, there is a full page article in Mint today regarding activities to do with kids, though I wont recommend some of them, but you sure would like to have a look at it. Here's the link

Anonymous said...

I mean activities in Bangalore.

Divs said...

Cool - thanks for thinking of me and sending across the link Preeti! I checked it out though and it seems most of the activities suggested are for older kids (3 and above) :( Mine is just 1 yr and 7 months...I plan to take her swimming one of these days as she used to enjoy that before we moved back from the US. But do keep sending across such good info as you get it...if not me, I am sure some of my friends or readers can use it!

Anonymous said...

Sure..I will. I also suggest you do a post on it, since your this post was really good for those in Bangalore. And another post about child activities with link I sent you...should make up for a wholesome guide from you about keeping kids safe and occupied. Just an idea.

Divs said...

Great idea I just need the time to sit down and do it. I think it would be better if I provide first hand info too - of things tried and tested. BTW I plan to add your blog to my blog roll on the right...would you mind returning the favor and post my link on yours?

Anonymous said...

Thats really so sweet of you. However, I do not have a blogroll on my blog currently(i use bloglines to follow blogs), whenever I happen to incorporate that, you'l find urself there :)

Divs said...

Hey - I never knew abt bloglines until you told me abt it. Pretty cool. I signed up for it too. And thanks in advance for your blogroll promise :-)

anil said...

wow u r analyzation is very nice it was very helpful for me b'coz my kid is of age 24 months ,she is felling very bore at house .so just she want to play more.we are near to electronic city ,can u suggest any preschool near to EC?

Divs said...

Hi Smart - glad I could help. I am quite new to Bangalore myself and hence went through this pain of researching playschools in my area. Unfortunately I have no clue about EC at present. If I do gather info abt other areas in the future, I will definitely post them on here.

Veena said...

Would like to know more about Roots to Wings, HSR Layout. Bangalore. Can someone post their comment please

Anonymous said...

Has anyone admitted your kid at little elly?

Where is kindercare? and how much is the cost?

anshul said...

Divs can you plz tell me where exactly is this roots to wings in koramangala. I checked their website also but address is not mentioned anywhere.I am looking for a full time day care center.

Divs said...

Anonymous: Never tried Little Elly myself but I have friends whose kids went there for summer and loved it. I liked that place too but just wasn't close enough to my home.

Here is Kinder Kare's address:
#8, 7th cross, Jakkasandra Block, Koramangala,
Bangalore 560034
Phone: 080-25534346

Divs said...

Roots to Wings has just opened up in Koramangala so the info might not be on their website yet. Here is the address and contact number from my visit:

No. 753, 3rd Block, 8th Main
Koramangala, Bangalore 560034
Phone (Mobile): 9845003827

anshul said...

thanks a lot divs :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, This really is a very useful post. We live in Prestige St Johns wood (near forum mall) and I am looking for a play school for my 18 month old. Can you tell me which of these play schools will be nearest for me.

Thanks again..I'll keep coming back for more :)


Anonymous said...

Hi!!!!Divs.Your blog regarding ur N's experience at school has touched my heart!!I would like to say that KINDER KARE children seeking DAY CARE would go to a very nearby DAY CARE CENTER after school hours and it worked out really well for those working parents!!!even after they went to bigger schools!

Divs said...

Anon(1): If you are near Forum Mall, any of the ones I have listed might work although it might be a drive for you every day. I think Eurokids maybe a little closer for you - am not sure though.

Anon(2): Thanks :-) Yup that can be done but they would need a means to transport them to the daycare after school. Are you talking abt a particular day care here or just in general?

Anonymous said...

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

Arvind Mishra said...

Apples n Cherries Preschool is a vision of professional from India, UK and the USA, providing world class education to children. They also provide excellent day care facilities with activity center.

The school is situated at 216, 6th main, ST Bed Area, Koramangala, Bangalore.

visit their website

contact - 9900003881

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Neeraj said...

Hi All

We are looking for a daycare around HSR Layout for our 9 month old son. Any suggestions and help would be really appreciated.

Neeraj & Poonam

Unknown said...

i'm in search for a preschool for my 16 month old. This has been a great source of information. Thanks!

Wanted to know how has been your experience with KinderKare? I assume N goes there.

Divs said...

Chanda - glad you found this info useful. Abt KinderKare - we've had a lovely experience with them. I'd highly recommend it to all moms who are looking for a "first" school for their kids. It is really run like a home away from home.

Anonymous said...

I am looking for a 4 month old day care.
Any suggestions? In and around Old airport Rd

Rita said...

Your blog has good insights into the daycares available in Bangalore. It's helpful for many who search on day cares.

I would like to link your blog to mine, where I am posting the reviews of bloggers on daycares and nurseries. Hope this is okay with you, else just mail back if you do not wish the blog to be included.


Divs said...

Glad you found the info useful Rita. Please feel free to go ahead and link it up to your blog. I visited your blog too and found it quite good. I need to update this post of mine with the latest knowledge and experiences I have gained with more daycares. Stay tuned on another posting on this topic soon!

Unknown said...

Hi Divs, wanted to talk to you to get some details. Can you please pass on your number at


Anonymous said...

hi divs
wonderful post and very informative
is there any [play school in 7th block koramangala
pls let me know

Chandrashekar S. Hassan said...

Good day.
I do really appreciate what you are trying to do with your blog - empowering fellow parents to make informed decisions.

We came back to India last September and were disappointed with our search for a "good" school in our neighborhood - Banashankari. We were frustrated and angry with the way we were treated by the school authorities.

We found ourselves firefighting a needless situation and loosing work-life balance.
Start-ups have different drivers and our needs, frustrations, expectations as working parents drove us to start our own preschool in Banashankari. The whole idea is to find some real, workable and economic solutions to problems faced by todays busy working professionals.

Its a small, humble and a focused startup. We come a management and technology background but there's lot of passion and purpose in what we are trying to do with our young children. I cordially invite you and your readers to our preschool and give us your valuable suggestions to make it better.

For more information about our preschool, please visit

Thank you.

Unknown said...

hi! i know this is really late since u posted this way back in 2009!!! my daughter just turned 2 and am on the look out for a good daycare/playschool in and arnd St.Johns med school (thats where am doing my higher studies).
We are looking for a good as well as economic place for tanya and your blog did give us some insight. Thank you so much! :)

Divs said...

Glad you found this post useful Merin. The area near St. John's is definitely Koramangala and I hope you and your baby are happy with the choice you made. Good luck!

sashastri said...

Excellent information provided by this blog.

Child Care Centres

Anonymous said...

Good you gave a miss to Planet Bloomingdale as it is just not worth it, just big talks at the beginning of the school but i doubt they really practice what they preach or do all the activities that are mentioned at the time of admission

Anonymous said...

Could someone plz tell me how is little Elly in Hsr layout...or any other good schools in and around Hsr....

Mugundhan said...

Excellent information provided by this blog.

Day Care Centres

Just For Me said...

Hi Divs,

THis is very helpful indeed. I have a 1 yr 7 month old son and planning to put him in Roots to Wings. I am in Koramangala too. Near Oasis mall. So where did you put your daughter finally? I am still aprehensive of putting him in day care as he is not potty trained either.

THanks Again!

realty chck said...

Thank You

This post has indeed helped me and am a lil less hesitant about the idea of day care ...

Darshana Joshi said...

Thanks so much for the useful information.Really appreciate it. It's absolutely helpful for us as we are looking for some good play school in Koramangala area.


search preschools said...

That's great help to parents , especially to Moms with careers. This will put them at ease while they work in the office.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a ton Divs for this invaluable information. Really appreciate it. It helped us tremendously, you have not only saved my time but also provided me a beautiful feedback of all the centres.

PlaySchool Bangalore said...

I found Little Elly is pretty good for my kid. One of the Best Preschool in Bangalore

Child Care in Bangalore said...

Elly child care is one among the best Day Care Centers in Bangalore

Meenakshi said...

Hi Divs, The information is too useful. I just shifted to Bangalore (Koramangala) from Delhi and need to join office immediately.I stay in Raheja Residency in KOramangala. Will start exploring these creches soon. My son is 1 year old... thanks a tonnn for this information..

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Unknown said...

Contact: @ +91 98451 70927 / 99455 98149, Email: Preschool Electronic City. Every child can be guided at his or her own pace in an environment which demonstrates love and acceptance. We seek a strong foundation for our children. Our aim is to be a global leader in the field of early childhood education.

Shabd said...

Can anyone suggest a good creche for my 6month old daughter? We live in ashwini layout. Since my husband and I both work late I would need one with flexible timings. I would deeply appreciate any help on this.

Unknown said...

Great Article. Thanks for sharing!!Chennai’s Top Preschool

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trrpkids said...

Day Care in Chennai, daycare nursery, Child Care in Chennai, a haven for Chennai's working mothers. daycare centers and creche facilities in Chennai for your child.

Aravind Gaikwad said...

Dear All,

It was nice going through the blog with so many comments and inputs.

Just 2 years back myself and my wife were on the same job of looking out a pre-school for our angel.

After going through many many pre-schools and day care, we freezed on Roots-to-Wings or which is now renamed as Little Millennium. Purely because of their well researched content and not just that. There is a dedicated academic team from EDUCOMP(Franchisor for Little Millennium) which keeps a regular tab on every of their franchisee center for hygiene, contents, ambience, parents counselling etc etc, almost on everything.

By this EDUCOMP is not just doing business of signing a franchisee and forget. But they are keen on ensuring that every franchisee follows their contents etc everyday.

And the next interesting part is, by the time we freezed on this Roots-to-wings (Little Millennium) for our daughter, we came to know that particular franchisee is shutting shop since she was travelling abroad.

And now the whole story turned back,..........and we jumped in. YES, my wife was so curious and interested in the contents and methods of Little Millennium, she went ahead and signed up for a new franchisee in the locality. What next, now she owns and manages 2 centers of Little Millennium.

My personal suggestion is to sure give a try to Little Millennium for all your toddlers needs.

Unknown said...

We are also running a playschool and daycare in Gurgaon i.e Chimes Playschool & Daycare.

jamuna vignesh said...

firstly thk u so much for taki ur time for posting dis useful info for parents looking out for preschool,as i stay n kormangala n my lil one s 1.5yrs,now hav got some idea to choose preschool around my abt TLC at komangala 6th blk?????
how abt d fee structure juz an approximate figure wud help for greater extent.....

Unknown said...

A beautiful and in-depth information on pre schools in Bangalore. Any parent can find this information very useful.

Unknown said...

Hey, thanks for sharing the list of options. But I believe you missed out on mentioning a very good pre-school called 'VIVERO International' which has recently opened in Koramangla 3rd block. The facility is worth a visit with ample amount of outdoor space and super hygiene standards maintained, this school certainly is a best fit for parents who are looking for both pre-school as well as Child Care facility.

Unknown said...

hi guys,

any idea abt little elly in outer ring road-sarjapur junction.

Feedbacks about Little elly @ bellandur seems very bad.


Sweta said...

The Ekya Early Years campus caters to both the Montessori and Kindergarten methods of teaching and learning.

For More Visit:

Unknown said...

Thank you for awesome content else could anyone get that kind of details in such a perfect way of composing.Montessori schools in indiranagar

Div said...

Hi everyone, any suggestions on a good pre-school in Whitefield area (near Brigade Metropolis / Pheonix Mall). Also, seeking reviews on KLAY and VIVERO...Thanks

Unknown said...

thank u so much for useful information...

Montessori Schools in Indiranagar

Jennings said...

Kids are really cute.
Keep the food work going.

Best Preschools in India said...

I'd like to find out the name and contact of the agency governing preschools in india. The authority which can do audits regarding how the rules are followed and how this schools are run

Shalini said...

I came across Sharanya Narayani International School. It has a lovely campus and boarding facility too. They have the primary program. Its a new international school in bangalore and residential school in bangalore

Deepti said...

Hi..does anyone have any feedback about daycares at vivero and India international?

shru said...

Does any one have reviews about Arunodya Montessori which is in Koramangala 6th Block?

Nitin said...

Your Blog information is very useful.Planet kids Play School in Bangalore One of the best.

Unknown said...

Excellent writing and great information sharing and In Daycare where kids get to learn more innovative and learn-able activities. Schools in Bangalore | Pre Schools in Bangalore

Unknown said...

oakhill is excellent as a preschool, it offers toddler program, montessori, kindergarten, daycare, afterschool daycare, tutorial. the staff is very friendly, the fees is affordable the school uses a creative curriculum, which achieves a balance between teacher-planned and child initiated learning ,concentrating on children’s strengths, interests and learning styles . it also offers a class strength of 6 students only. and also gives parents access to live cctv footage so that way you are never more than a touch away from the kids.

contact:+91-8792150794, +91-8792142950
Address: #387, 8th main road, Ambedkar Nagar(happy valley) Hopefarm,
Whitefield, Bangalore-560066.
Landmark: Royal mart.

Leave a Reply

Jr. Williams said...

You are a extremely clever person!
Darryl Drake 5 ways of payment TLC

Himani Sharma said...

very nice blog. More informative. Thanks for sharing Pre School

abbu said...

Really nice post which can help's alot for parent's who are busy all the time..even they can take some rest after busy schedule.. so thanks alot for caring kid's
Planet Kids is one of the best Preschool

Herry Johnson said...

The Child and Family Center gives asset and referral administrations, quality kid care, and early youth training to the offspring of workforce, staff, and students. We offer five on-grounds tyke care facilities. Affordable daycare, Preschool, Daycare, Infant tyke care, Daycare close me, Daycare Escondido, Daycare san Marcos, Child consideration and Military tyke care. Resources and referrals are accessible through our Family Center for such family needs as senior consideration, summer programs, mentoring and test readiness, and previously, then after the fact school care.

Unknown said...

Wow this blog is really nice and wonderful for those who want to know about preschools.
I really enjoyed reading this.
This is very nice, Thank you very much for this.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the nice blog, It is very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well.Pre School

Himani Sharma said...

Thanks for all your information, Website is very nice and informative content

Abhilash said...

Playschools should serve the purpose of exploring, learning, having fun and happiness and making enriching relationships. As you said Schools should have a beautiful and playful environment for the kids and all the above conditions but other things also come of importance. One of such is end-to-end activity based curriculum which helps all student’s development beyond the books and taking care of their attributes to academic needs with personalize attention is needed and it’s a must.
So, the Best Playschool is needed for the overall development of a child.

I also find Nurturance Smart School as new entrant to the above list.

Prema said...

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This comment has been removed by the author.
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